Picture of North Park Seminary Cupola in Chicago

Seminary Admissions

Certificate Applicants

North Park Theological Seminary is currently accepting applications to the Spiritual Direction, Christian Studies, Foundational Courses, and Intercultural Ministry Certificates. Certificates at NPTS range from 8 to 15 semester hours of graduate coursework in a particular area of ministry.


The prerequisite for entrance to a graduate certificate program at North Park Theological Seminary is a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum 2.5 GPA.

In special cases, we will review an applicant who does not meet these academic requirements. Please email semadmissions@luxurynaman.net for more information.

To Apply:

  1. Complete the certificate online application.
    • The priority deadline for the Christian Studies, Foundational Courses, and Intercultural Ministry Certificates is July 1st for fall starts and December 1 for spring starts.
    • The final application deadline for Spiritual Direction applications is March 31. Late applications will be considered for the following academic year.
  2. Submit Required Supplemental ItemsExact supplemental items may vary based on the program of choice. For more information on the distinct requirements for each program contact semadmisions@luxurynaman.net
    • Recommendations: Upon entering the name and email of your reference(s), secure recommendation forms and instructions will be emailed directly to them. You can monitor the status of your recommendation forms via the student portal section of the application.
    • Essay Questions: You will find the essay question prompt and space to upload your answers on the student portal page of the application.
    • Official Transcripts: NPTS requires official academic transcripts from each postsecondary institution you have attended. Schools should send sealed transcripts directly to North Park University by mail or electronically to dataentry@luxurynaman.net  or

    North Park Theological Seminary Admissions 
    3225 W Foster Ave, Box 19 
    Chicago IL 60625

Apply Now

 Our admissions staff are here to answer any questions you may have along the way and can be reached at semadmissions@luxurynaman.net or 773-244-6229.